Saturday, September 26, 2015

Makerspaces in the School Library

*This blog post is part of a course practice exercise.

What are makerspaces, anyway?  "Makerspace" seems to be the new buzz word at the moment. School libraries are finding new ways to reinvent themselves by offering their patrons new opportunities to create, collaborate, and innovate.  A makerspace is as simple as it sounds:  a space to simply make something!

Makerspaces can revolve around many themes including STEM, crafts, visual arts, production rooms; the possibilities are endless!

I had a vision last spring:  create a makerspace with an arts integration theme.  Of course I wanted a 3D printer.  And I had to have a Lego Wall.  But since our school received a large grant to integrate the arts into daily instruction, I knew it needed to revolve around the arts.  Our students have been collecting bottle caps all year, and a duct tape drive is planned after the holidays.

Check out our progress!

Building the Lego Wall

Teachers have fun in the makerapace as well! 
Students participate in International Dot Day using resources from our makerspace.

Third graders have been studying plants and plant cells.  I asked a couple to construct a flower with all its parts.  Fabulous job!  We will upload it to Google Drawings and diagram it!

Locate the roots, stem, leaves, and flower.
After collaborating with a third grade STEM teacher, our next project will be to use the 3D printer to create and print a plant cell.  Students will work in groups to design one part of the cell, and then they will piece it together.

What ideas do you have for a makerspace in a school library?